Introduction MariaDB 10.6
MariaDB, an open-source relational database management system, is a powerful alternative to MySQL. Its latest version, MariaDB 10.6, brings enhanced features and performance improvements. If you’re using an Debian 11, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of install MariaDB 10.6, ensure optimal performance and data management for your applications.
Table of Contents
- Introduction MariaDB 10.6
- Prerequisites for Install MariaDB 10.6
- Install MariaDB 10.6 on Debian 11
- Step 1: Update System Packages
- Step 2: Install Required Packages
- Step 3: Add MariaDB 10.6 APT Repository
- Step 4: Install MariaDB on Debian 11
- Step 5: Start and Enable MariaDB 10.6
- Step 6: Install Secure MariaDB 10.6
- Step 7: Check MariaDB Version
- Step 8: Basic MariaDB Commands
- Step 9: Optional: Configure MariaDB 10.6
- Conclusion
Prerequisites for Install MariaDB 10.6
Before we dive into the installation process, there is prerequisite you need to ensure are in place:
- Debian 11 Server: Make sure you have a clean installation of Debian 11 Server. You can deploy this on a physical machine or a virtual environment like VMware or VirtualBox. To set this up, follow our guide :
- A stable internet connection.
Install MariaDB 10.6 on Debian 11
Follow these steps to install MariaDB 10.6 on your Debian 11 Server and enjoy its benefits:
Step 1: Update System Packages
Start by updating your system’s package list to ensure you’re working with the latest software versions:
samm@mariadb:~$ sudo apt-get update
samm@mariadb:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade
Step 2: Install Required Packages
samm@mariadb:~$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https curl
Step 3: Add MariaDB 10.6 APT Repository
To install MariaDB 10.6, you’ll need to add the official MariaDB repository:
samm@mariadb:~$ sudo curl -LsS -O
samm@mariadb:~$ sudo bash mariadb_repo_setup --mariadb-server-version=10.6
If successful the output should be similar to below.
# [info] Checking for script prerequisites.
# [info] MariaDB Server version 10.6 is valid
# [info] Repository file successfully written to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list
# [info] Adding trusted package signing keys...
# [info] Running apt-get update...
# [info] Done adding trusted package signing keys
Step 4: Install MariaDB on Debian 11
Now, it’s time to install MariaDB 10.6. Update packages and install MariaDB server
samm@mariadb:~$ sudo apt-get update
samm@mariadb:~$ sudo apt-get install mariadb-server mariadb-client
Proceed to install MariaDB packages and all its dependencies:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
galera-4 gawk libcgi-fast-perl libcgi-pm-perl libclone-perl libdaxctl1 libdbd-mariadb-perl libdbi-perl libencode-locale-perl libfcgi-bin libfcgi-perl
libfcgi0ldbl libgdbm-compat4 libhtml-parser-perl libhtml-tagset-perl libhtml-template-perl libhttp-date-perl libhttp-message-perl libio-html-perl
liblwp-mediatypes-perl libmariadb3 libmpfr6 libndctl6 libperl5.32 libpmem1 libsigsegv2 libterm-readkey-perl libtimedate-perl liburi-perl lsof mariadb-client
mariadb-client-10.6 mariadb-client-core-10.6 mariadb-common mariadb-server mariadb-server-10.6 mariadb-server-core-10.6 mysql-common perl perl-modules-5.32
0 upgraded, 41 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 37.5 MB of archives.
After this operation, 265 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
During the installation process, maybe you’ll be prompted to set a root password for the MariaDB server. Make sure to choose a strong and secure password.
Step 5: Start and Enable MariaDB 10.6
After install MariaDB 10.6, now run the following commands to start MariaDB and enable it to automatically start on system reboot
samm@mariadb:~$ sudo systemctl start mariadb
samm@mariadb:~$ sudo systemctl enable mariadb
Synchronizing state of mariadb.service with SysV service script with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install.
Executing: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable mariadb
Confirm that MariaDB is running
samm@mariadb:~$ sudo systemctl status mariadb
● mariadb.service - MariaDB 10.6.12 Database Staging
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d
Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-12-14 23:54:00 WIB; 5s ago
Docs: man:mariadbd(8)
Process: 7856 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/install -m 755 -o mysql -g root -d /var/run/mysqld (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 7857 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c systemctl unset-environment _WSREP_START_POSITION (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 7859 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c [ ! -e /usr/bin/galera_recovery ] && VAR= || VAR=`cd /usr/bin/..; /usr/bin/galera_recovery`; [ $? -eq 0 ] && systemctl set-enviro>
Process: 7897 ExecStartPost=/bin/sh -c systemctl unset-environment _WSREP_START_POSITION (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 7899 ExecStartPost=/etc/mysql/debian-start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 7885 (mariadbd)
Status: "Taking your SQL requests now..."
Tasks: 11 (limit: 4676)
Memory: 83.0M
CPU: 257ms
CGroup: /system.slice/mariadb.service
└─7885 /usr/sbin/mariadbd
Dec 14 23:54:00 mariadb mariadbd[7885]: 2022-12-14 23:54:00 0 [Warning] You need to use --log-bin to make --expire-logs-days or --binlog-expire-logs-seconds work.
Dec 14 23:54:00 mariadb mariadbd[7885]: 2022-12-14 23:54:00 0 [Note] Server socket created on IP: ''.
Dec 14 23:54:00 mariadb mariadbd[7885]: 2022-12-14 23:54:00 0 [Note] Server socket created on IP: '::'.
Dec 14 23:54:00 mariadb mariadbd[7885]: 2022-12-14 23:54:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: Buffer pool(s) load completed at 221214 23:54:00
Dec 14 23:54:00 mariadb mariadbd[7885]: 2022-12-14 23:54:00 0 [Note] /usr/sbin/mariadbd: ready for connections.
Dec 14 23:54:00 mariadb mariadbd[7885]: Version: '10.6.12-MariaDB-1:10.6.12+maria~deb11' socket: '/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306 binary distributi>
Dec 14 23:54:00 mariadb systemd[1]: Started MariaDB 10.6.12 Database Staging.
Dec 14 23:54:00 mariadb /etc/mysql/debian-start[7901]: Upgrading MySQL tables if necessary.
Dec 14 23:54:00 mariadb /etc/mysql/debian-start[7912]: Checking for insecure root accounts.
Dec 14 23:54:00 mariadb /etc/mysql/debian-start[7916]: Triggering myisam-recover for all MyISAM tables and aria-recover for all Aria tables
Step 6: Install Secure MariaDB 10.6
For security reasons, run the provided script to secure your MariaDB 10.6 installation, Follow the prompts to configure settings like setting a root password, removing anonymous users, disallowing remote root login, and removing the test database. These steps help enhance the security of your MariaDB 10.6 installation.
samm@mariadb:~$ sudo mariadb-secure-installation
In order to log into MariaDB to secure it, we'll need the current
password for the root user. If you've just installed MariaDB, and
haven't set the root password yet, you should just press enter here.
Enter current password for root (enter for none):
OK, successfully used password, moving on...
Setting the root password or using the unix_socket ensures that nobody
can log into the MariaDB root user without the proper authorisation.
You already have your root account protected, so you can safely answer 'n'.
Switch to unix_socket authentication [Y/n] Y
Enabled successfully!
Reloading privilege tables..
... Success!
You already have your root account protected, so you can safely answer 'n'.
Change the root password? [Y/n] Y
New password: [Your Password]
Re-enter new password: [Your Password]
Password updated successfully!
Reloading privilege tables..
... Success!
By default, a MariaDB installation has an anonymous user, allowing anyone
to log into MariaDB without having to have a user account created for
them. This is intended only for testing, and to make the installation
go a bit smoother. You should remove them before moving into a
production environment.
Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y
... Success!
Normally, root should only be allowed to connect from 'localhost'. This
ensures that someone cannot guess at the root password from the network.
Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y
... Success!
By default, MariaDB comes with a database named 'test' that anyone can
access. This is also intended only for testing, and should be removed
before moving into a production environment.
Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y
- Dropping test database...
... Success!
- Removing privileges on test database...
... Success!
Reloading the privilege tables will ensure that all changes made so far
will take effect immediately.
Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y
... Success!
Cleaning up...
All done! If you've completed all of the above steps, your MariaDB
installation should now be secure.
Thanks for using MariaDB!
Step 7: Check MariaDB Version
To check MariaDB version, we need to login to MariaDB as below. Use -p
if you have set the root password.
samm@mariadb:~$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password: [Your password]
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 129
Server version: 10.6.11-MariaDB-1:10.6.11+maria~deb11 binary distribution
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT VERSION();
| 10.6.12-MariaDB-1:10.6.11+maria~deb11 |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)
Step 8: Basic MariaDB Commands
Before you start using MariaDB, here some basic commands:
To access the MariaDB shell, use:
samm@mariadb:~$ mysql -u root -p
MariaDB Create Database
To create a database in MariaDB, login as shown above and run the below command.
#Create a new database
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE sammlinux_db;
#If the database with the same exists
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE sammlinux_db;
ERROR 1007 (HY000): Can't create database 'sammlinux_db'; database exists
#Create a database if already exits
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE OR REPLACE DATABASE sammlinux_db;
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.009 sec)
#First check if a database exists
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS sammlinux_db;
Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.000 sec)
# Check Databases MariaDB
MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW DATABASES;
MariaDB add User and Grant Privileges
To create a user and grant privileges;
#Create user mariadb
CREATE USER 'sammlinux-user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your-password';
#Grant all privileges to the user
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'sammlinux-user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your-password';
#Grant privileges to a specific database
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON 'sammlinux_db'.* TO 'sammlinux-user'@'localhost';
#Remember to refresh the privileges
FLUSH privileges;
#To check user grants in MariaDB
SHOW GRANTS FOR 'sammlinux-user'@'locahost';
Create a Table and Add Data MariaDB
Once you have created a database, you can create table and add data into it
CREATE TABLE articles (articles_id INT, name VARCHAR(20), channel VARCHAR(20));
INSERT INTO articles (id,name,email) VALUES(56701,"samm","Linux")
Step 9: Optional: Configure MariaDB 10.6
Depending on your requirements, you can configure MariaDB 10.6 for optimal performance. Open the configuration file:
samm@mariadb:~$ sudo vi /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf
Here, you can adjust settings like innodb_buffer_pool_size
to allocate memory for caching data, or max_connections
to control the number of concurrent connections.
MariaDB 10.6 Clean up
To completely remove MariaDB, run the following commands.
samm@mariadb:~$ sudo apt purge mariadb-server
samm@mariadb:~$ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/
Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed MariaDB 10.6 on your Debian 11 system. You now have a powerful and feature-rich relational database management system at your disposal. Whether you’re developing applications, managing data, or building websites, MariaDB’s capabilities will undoubtedly prove to be invaluable. Remember to keep your MariaDB installation updated and follow best security practices to ensure the safety and integrity of your data. With MariaDB 10.6 up and running, you’re well-equipped to manage and optimize your databases efficiently.
Also Read Our Other Guides :
- How To Install MariaDB 10.9 on Debian 11 Server
- How To Install MariaDB 10.6 on Ubuntu Server 22.04
- How To Install MySQL 8.0 on Debian 11
- How To Install DBeaver Community on Ubuntu 22.04
Finally, now you have learned how to install MariaDB 10.6 on Debian 11 Server.